
Pathway Human Capital Advisors LLC is a consortium of senior management and human capital consultants and advisors that stands ready to help C-suite executives and Human Resource leaders achieve their strategic and operational goals.  We believe human capital – the aggregation of peoples' skills, knowledge, and work attitudes as it is now and as it can be in the future – is the most important form of capital that an organization can acquire and harness.  Like other forms of capital, it can be maintained and grown, or it can be squandered and lost.  These are outcomes C-suite executives and strategic HR leaders can influence greatly.  This is where Pathway HCA can help organizations increase the return on investments in human capital. 



Pathway HCA’s mission is to focus on each client’s needs maximize the potential… and the return… on the organization’s current and future talent.  To help our clients meet this need, we marshal teams of affiliated senior professionals with strong track records in consulting, strategy execution,  organizational leadership, and HR management.  These teams work to move past symptoms to root causes to create or adapt best practices that deliver value and results to clients at affordable costs.  Our service quality builds on the consulting, leadership and client experience our consultants and Human Capital Advisors have gained over many years with the human capital practices and functions of major international consulting firms and corporations. 

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Pathway Human Capital Advisors.... no canned solutions, no silver bullets, no off-the-shelf "dust-offs"... just thoughtful listening, careful analysis, practical recommendations, and real results.

Mark L. Lifter, Ph.D.                                                            President

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